
Matthew 6

Three key verses stand out to me in this chapter:

1.       Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him (vs 8)

Jesus was talking about our attitudes and intentions of our Christian living. How we should be REAL men when we give our tithes and offerings (vs1-4); when we pray (vs 5-8); and when we fast (vs16-18). He implored us to do these things in secret, where no one knows, not boasting about our giving, our praying, and our fasting but giving of ourselves in humility. Jesus also reiterates the point about humility with the story in Luke 14:7-11 regarding where to sit when invited to a wedding. Verse 11 tells us that if we exalt ourselves we will be abased or degraded, but if we humble ourselves we will be exalted. Who would you rather exalt you--yourself or the bridegroom?

Then He follows this up with the example of how we all should pattern our prayer lives with the Lord's Prayer (vs 9-13). We can all quote the Lord's Prayer and should constantly pray these things and teach this to others including our children.

2.       For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (vs 21)

What things do you desire? What things do you live every moment for? These things are our treasures. If we are constantly desiring things of this world, we are not desiring the will of God. We cannot serve God and mammon (vs 24). REAL men desire the things of God for their lives, their family and their church.  Where is your heart today? Wherever it is, that's your treasure. Evaluate your treasures and see if they line up with God's will.

3.       But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. (vs 33)

Jesus wanted us to know that we can trust Him. How hard is it, especially as men to give up control of our situations? To completely trust that He will provide for us no matter what? He is not ignorant of our needs (vs 32). God knows that we have to have things for sustenance here on earth, but he will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19).

Let's be men today who are humble; who know where our hearts are—stayed on Him; and are constantly seeking Him first. All these work hand in hand with God giving the increase. In your family, in your finances, in your children, in your ministry and in our church.

Tim Jacobs