John Mark, commonly accepted as the author of the Gospel of Mark, was a contemporary of three of the New Testament apostles; Paul, Barnabas and Peter. Mark focuses on Jesus' mighty miracles, power over diseases and demons, and omitted all Jewish genealogies and birth narratives. Mark mainly told of what Jesus did and not what he said with a "just the facts" fast-moving discourses.
Conflicts with the Pharisees - End of chapter 2 and beginning of chapter 3.
Jesus wanted to emphasize to the Pharisees that the Sabbath for man's blessings. Jesus became angry and was grieved with the hardness of their hearts. As Jesus entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, the Pharisees were looking more to accuse Him than to see the lame healed and lives saved. God help us to enter into our worship services focusing on the power of God and not on the procedures of the services. It is God's church, not ours - allow Him to work as he wills.
Later Galilean Ministry, withdrawal to the seaside - 3:7-12.
Jesus came to minister and not to be ministered to - the servant attitude. Many were healed and unclean spirits were cast out. The unclean spirits witnessed "Thou art the Son of God" while others completely missed their day of visitation. Shame on us if an unclean spirit has a greater revelation of who Jesus is than we who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. God, show me your face and allow me to feel your heartbeat.
Friends and Foes - 3:20-35.
The religious world of Jesus' day, scribes and Pharisees, came out to lay hold on Him saying that He was beside himself. They accused Jesus of casting out devils by Satan himself. A house divided, how can it stand? Appearance of being a friend does not define a friend. It is how we stand on the Word of God.
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - 3:28-30.
All sins may be forgiven except blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. Why so harsh a treatment of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit when murders, thieves, adulterers and such like can be forgiven. If we reject the infilling and direction of the Holy Spirit, we do not allow God to work in us and through us. If we are not a "son", we are none of His!
Jesus' true family - 3:31-35.
Who is my mother, or my brethren? Jesus wanted to emphasize that the New Testament church as defined in the book of Acts is the true family of God. In order to belong to the "family" of God we must do the will of God. The will of God is made known in His Word; therefore we must adhere to
II Timothy 2:15.
15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
God, help us to be "friends", not "foes" of the Church that He was established through Calvary.
Bob Goggler