What sadness filled the hearts of those that witnessed the Lord Jesus Christ being hung on a rugged cross, buried and then silence from the grave. What joy there was when Mary Magdalene and Mary found that the stone had been rolled away!!! A heavenly visitor making "dead men" out of the fierce soldiers that were supposed to be guarding the tomb. Then a little instruction to the two Mary's. From this point on the wheels were set in motion for a glorious church to be birthed and the death grip of sin broken in the lives of men.
Upon meeting Jesus face to face on the road back to the disciples, they worshiped him. With a little more instruction to the girls, they obeyed. Just shows how much Jesus loves us all the more, to not only instruct us from the point of burial, but helping us all the way to the next "meeting point".
Meanwhile, back at the chief priests headquarters, there was some plotting going on. If word got out that Jesus had actually risen from the grave, the news would spread like wild fire. Conforming to the school of thought to just offer money as in Judas' case, they again offered money to have the soldiers come up with a story that Jesus' body was stolen as they slept. Some to this day will still stand by this lie that was constructed thousands of years ago.
Jesus appeared to his disciples in a mountain and gave them the final instruction. Go and teach!!! Not only teach, but baptize in the Name of the Father(Jesus), and of the son(Jesus) and of the Holy Ghost(Jesus)!! Its all in his name. Also, to observe ALL things that he has commanded us. Thank you Jesus for making us complete through his Word!
Daryl Duke