
Jonah 3

In Jonah chapter 3 verse 1 it says," And the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time…."  God should never have to tell us more than once.  This verse also shows us God's mercy.  God did not have to ask Jonah twice, but he did!  That shows God's love and mercy. We will get punished for ignoring God.  Jonah got eaten by the whale  because he  disobeyed  God, but God gave him a second chance.

My illustration is when my Mom and Dad ask me to take out the trash and I say No, or run and hide, I would be punished and the house would stink.  So not only does the decision affect me, it affects other people around me.  So if God asks us to do something and we do it the first time, God will bless us. 

Jonmichael McLaughlin