
Habakkuk 1

As I read Habakkuk's psalm I could see why commentators labeled him
the Doubting Thomas of the Old Testament. His questions of God seem a
bit whiny, but yet they also hit a little close to home. In verses 2
– 4 he asks the Lord, "how long shall I cry"… "judgement doth never go

The Lord startles Habakkuk with the answer – "I will work a work in
your days which you will not believe, though it be told you."

And then, backpedaling a bit, Habakkuk asks "we shall not die", and
will you "hold thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is
more righteous than he?"

Habakkuk took his questions to the Lord. I think we need to recognize
the difference between questioning God and taking our questions to
Him. A deceived man says, "Here is my question now give me your
answer." While a Godly man says, "Lord, here is what I do not
understand, help me to know you more."

The name Habakkuk means to "wrestle" or "embrace", how fitting. While
taking his fears to the Lord Habakkuk is wrestling with the injustice
he sees, but God's answers will take him from fear to faith.

Thankfully, God knows and remembers "we are but dust." He knows we
don't always understand, and He wants to take us from worry to
worship. We just have to lay it all at His feet.

Jason Ouellette