
Psalm 14

Verse 1 starts out - The fool hath said in his heart “there is no God.” Wow, what a strong statement.

In this chapter we see that the men of that day had turned from God, and were following after their own evil desires and lusts. There was no knowledge of God because they did not seek Him for guidance. They had become corrupt in their thinking, and looked at those that were followers of God as poor and unlearned.

When I look at our world today I see a people that are saying that very thing by their self centered lifestyles and actions, “there is no God”. They lean to their own knowledge, and do whatever it takes to get them the things they desire in this life. They say that everything is relative, and that there are no absolutes, (which in itself is an absolute), so you should do whatever you want.
The media makes fun of Christians, (at breakfast, lunch and dinner), considering us as poor and unlearned. This is due to their ignorance of Truth, and the lack of a relationship with Jesus Christ. They do not understand that we Christians are the richest people on this earth, and lead the most wonderful lifestyle known to mankind.

Let us continue to be REAL Men that have a daily walk with Jesus Christ trusting in Him to lead us, (Proverbs 3:5,6 - Trust in the Lord with all thine heart ; and lean not unto thine own understanding In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths), lest we too fall into the trap of the fool.

Blessed of God,

Billy Potter