
Acts 1

Like a Maze full of twists and turns, God guides but men must be willing to follow. Luke greets Theophilus in verse one, his name means "Lover of God." Some say it is plural and means "Lovers of God," and Luke is addressing many. Either way, the book begins with Men in love with Jesus Christ.

In verse 12 many wind their way into the upper room and things are going well. I come to an abrupt stop as I follow them because I want to avoid the Field of blood (v. 18). It is the location of confusion for a man who never made it out of the maze after taking a wrong turn. One wrong turn led to another and another and another. The only thing I will remember is the man had no guts and could not get on the right track...he lost them in this field of blood. His name, Judas.

Matthias steps out of the shadows to assume a ministry role in the church. God always has leaders being developed in the shadows and we must never fear what will happen to the church. Refusing to tarry long in the mental "Field of Blood," all take their place in the Upper Room, waiting to see what God will do next...just as I am in 2009. It will be miraculous!

Carl McLaughlin