
Acts 16

After reaching Philippi, being beaten and jailed these two men never gave up, and kept their faith after all the doors being closed and opened. What we have to remember is to keep our faith in good times and bad.

Edward Cumbie

Paul and Silas met Timothy and took him with them on their travels. I'm sure they each were blessed by the other. After reaching Macedonia, they found a prayer meeting and people were baptized. They spent several days with them sharing the gospel. Shortly after they found themselves in prison. Sometimes we find ourselves in unpleasant places. Even in that place there are those that need the gospel, a testimony. Praise and worship always work! Praise and worship not only got them out of prison, but left a testimony with the jailer. Where ever we find ourselves, we can always share Jesus. Sometimes its just being a REAL MAN for God. Be blessed and have a great day!

Steve Mooney