
Ephesians 2

Paul here takes time to reflect on our past failures and how God has so freely redeemed us. He speaks about how we were so dead in our sin. How lost we were. How we used to listen to vain conversations about lust and pleasures. (side note, Many were some of us. I think it is important to see here that even in Paul's day men were struggling with conversations the were ungodly.) But through all of this, we see God's grace!

Through the cross and blood shed for you and I we were raised up and set in High Places! We were Quickened together with Christ! How merciful and graceful He is!. Verse 4 says (NKJV But God, who is RICH in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us. )

We must understand that we are not saved by works ( lest any man boast) but we are saved by the awesome, perfect, and powerful grace of all mighty God! Paul speaks of how the Gentiles and the Jews were brought together in unity through the power of the cross. How until that point there were two different mind sets and no Unity.

At the end of the chapter, after reflecting on our old lifestyle, receiving the grace of God , and seeing  the unity that came with the cross, Paul speaks of Jesus Christ being our chief cornerstone and how through Christ we are fitted together perfectly.

1. Let us NOT forget where we once were, Where we are today by the grace of God and where we are going! ( as leaders of our homes,leaders in worship, and as leaders in the body of Christ.)

2. It is not by the works of our hands but by the awesome hand of God that we are unified through the blood of the Lamb. His Blood washes off every mind set and unifies our hearts for one purpose and that is to do His will and see souls saved.
3. I am so thankful that not only are we brought together in unity but HE is our Chief Cornerstone! So perfect, So righteous, and so willing that all should come.

Chase Potter