> This is my first attempt to do anything like this since grade
> school, which I failed at, but now I have my God on my side so here
> I go…..
> What the scriptures in Colossians chapter one means to me is that it
> is not enough to just understand the word you need to act on the
> word, for if you are changing then you are teachable.
> I get Paul is trying to tell the Colossians that we were made by God
> and for God, and God wants us to grow up to be like him. Paul is
> trying to minister to this people that they have God given rights to
> become partakers of Jesus Christ.
> Gene Wells
> Colossians background:
> Why read: Offers one way we can discover a few more things about
> Jesus and learn how we can honor him.
> Who wrote and to whom was it written: Apostle Paul wrote while under
> house arrest in Rome. He wrote for a small city of Colosse, located
> in southwest interior now known as Turkey.
> When written: About A.D. 60 to 62, during a time Paul awaited trail
> on an appeal to the Roman emperor Nero
> Why written: A group called Gnostics (a hybrid religion and
> philosophy mixed Christian, Jews and possibly pagan beliefs) claimed
> they possessed privileged supernatural knowledge necessary for
> salvation. Paul, in support of Epaphras' ministry in Colosse,
> addressed the false teachings that undermined the Colossians' faith.
> The church was under constant pressure from the numerous religious
> philosophies abounding in the first-century.
> What to look for: The supremacy of Christ and ways we can develop
> attitudes and actions to "honor" the Lord.
> Colossians One:
> Take Away: Thanksgiving and Prayer
> -How often are you encouraged and inspired by another brother's
> faith and zeal for the Lord?
> -How often do you give thanks to the Lord for how He operates in the
> men of our church?
> -How often do you pray for your brothers?
> Note: Colossians 1:3(NIV) "We always thank God when we pray for you
> because we have heard of your faith and love...in the word of
> truth". Colossians 1:9 "...we have not stopped praying for you..."
> Take Away: Supremacy of Christ
> Colossians 1:15(NIV) "He is the image of the invisible God, the
> firstborn (especially honored) over all creation." Colossians
> 1:17-19(NIV)
> "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And
> He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the
> firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have
> the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in
> Him..."
> Colossians 1:21-22(NIV)
> "Once you were alienated from God...but now He has reconciled you by
> Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in His
> sight without blemish and free from accusation..."
> Take Away: Paul's Labor for the Church
> Colossians 1:25(NIV) "I (Paul) have become its (The Church)
> 'servant' by the commission God gave me to present to you the word
> of God in its fullness..." Colossians 1:27, 29 (NIV) "(27)God has
> chosen to make known...the glorious riches of His mystery, which is
> Christ in you, the hope of glory. (29) To this end I (Paul) labor,
> struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me
> (Paul)"
> Comment: Paul was not trying to earn favor with the Father by his
> works, but Paul gave all to "honor" the Father with his life.
> Give honor to the Lord Jesus Christ today and everyday!
> Bro Eric