
Ephesians 4

At the center of the book of Ephesians, Paul the ambassador in chains, ties this letter of encouragement, instruction and warning together with the truth of the oneness of Jesus Christ.

The tone of this chapter is quickly set when in verse one, Paul exhorts us to be content with the place that God has purposed for us in His Kingdom. Verse sixteen gives us the promise we are all fitly joined together in Christ while verses eleven and twelve sets in perfect order the structure of the living church.

Paul gently shepherds his flock by warning them to remember the truth that has been revealed to them and guard against every wind of doctrine, speaking the truth with love, walking as Jesus walked and enjoying the redemption of forgiveness by forgiving one another as Christ forgave us.

For me the key verses here are twenty-one and twenty-four which state, " as the truth is in Jesus and put on the new man created in righteousness and true holiness". The same truth that is in Jesus is now alive and active in us today and we have been transformed, REAL men, lifting up holy hands and uttering praises to our King. 

Robert MacPhee Jr