
Romans 12

This chapter of Romans has a treasure trove of golden nuggets to help us in our everyday walk with God and dealings with our fellow saints and mankind.

It begins with the petition to become "a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God".  This means we must consciously die out to sin and live holy.  Sacrifices in the Old Testament had to be without spot or blemish for the Lord to accept and consume them.  We are no exception.

We must then be transformed by the renewing of our minds, proving the perfect will of God in our lives.  How is that accomplished?  By not conforming to this world!  It seems that is the world's whole desire today...conformity.  Everything to get you to join and accept and be tolerant of all the behaviors that violate the word of God.  Paul calls for us to take a stand against sin!  We must as verse 9 states, "Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good."

Paul next makes us think on humility, with every saint filling their call in the kingdom.  They are no big I's and little u's in God's kingdom.  If everyone served in the same role and capacity, how would anything get done?  We must exercise our gifts and talents that God has given us to the fullest!

Being charitable to our brethren and fellow man and not vengeful is Paul's final admonishing to us.  We are called to love and prefer one another without dissimulation, which is a word for concealing the truth.  Thank God we can be transparent and open with each other in our wonderful assembly.  We are truly blessed.

So to wrap it all together...it starts with our personal sacrifice.  That sacrifice leads us to a transformation and than a renewing.  Soon after comes humility, service, love, and charity.  I can truly say I have seen this pattern not only in my life, but the lives of many new converts as well.  God's shaping of a life is definitely a journey that may begin in pain and discomfort, but ultimately ends only in blessing.

Let's take a personal step to start each day by placing ourselves on God's altar.  But we must present ourselves holy and acceptable, so that God's will from start to finish can be completed in our lives.

Dwight Chandler