
Philippians 4

Paul starts out this chapter calling for peace. Thru out chapter 4 we find peace, self discipline and a great example of a positive attitude.

Verse 4 says to rejoice in the Lord and verse 6 says to be anxious for nothing. God is going to take care of us.

I can't tell you how many times that my wife and I have quoted verse 8 to our children as an example of how to gauge things in their lives. Whether it be friends, media, reading material, or just an attitude. If it can't pass the test of being noble, just, pure, lovely, of a good report or have virtue and be praiseworthy.......let it go.

I think that Philippians 4 can speak to all of us in our efforts to become REAL Men. If we align ourselves with the word of God, He will do the rest. Let's be a team, self disciplined and have a positive attitude and see what God will do in our church and in our families. Have a great day in the Lord!!

Joe Crosson