
1 Timothy 3

I find this chapter increasingly rich and as I have studied, have found many worthy veins about which I could write.  However, in an effort to be concentrated, I will write, briefly, about the overarching theme that has illuminated itself to me.

Chapter 3 primarily discusses the qualifications or characteristics of those who would be active in church governance.  While I understand that we are not all called to these grave callings, but as men, according to Revelation 1:6 we have been called kings and priests.  We should then look at the characteristics found in the third chapter of I Timothy and endeavor to apply them to our own lives. 

Verses 2-3 lay out a set of high marks that we should all strive to attain.  We should be blameless, vigilant, hospitable and the husband of one wife.

As a new father, verse 4 stood out to me a little, and so I studied it.   The word  "gravity" here does not have the connotation of "serious" in modern english.  The "gravity" in the old King's English referred to the characteristic of a thing or person which entitles to reverence and respect, dignity, majesty or sanctity.  As fathers, we have a mandate to rule our houses in a way which breeds respect and allows us face others with dignity.  As daunting as the second and third verses are, I find this just as intimidating.  A tyrant can rule their house and get the results they want, but a REAL man or father will rule with love, integrity and humility. 

Isn't it interesting to look at verses 2 and 3 and see that fulfilling their commissions makes fulfilling verse 4, ruling our house in a manner that engenders respect, that much more attainable.

Paul, in the following verses, lays out a description for the office of the deacon.  It shares many of the requirements of the bishop.  This emphasizes the importance of good character, temperance and charity. 

Verse 9 says that a deacon must hold the mystery of the faith in good conscience.  We must be firm in our faith!  We, if we are to be REAL men, must know what we believe, be able to defend it and, according to verse 2, able to teach it.

I have thoughly enjoyed saturating my spirit with this chapter.  Constraints do not allow me to fully communicate what the Lord has spoken to me about my life through the 3rd chapter of 1st Timothy.

Keith G. Mathews