
2 Thessalonians 3

II Thessalonians 3: 1-5 (NIV)
(Request for Prayer)

Take Away: Apostle Paul calling on the Thessalonians for their prayers not only for Paul but to include his fellow-laborers in Christ Jesus so that the opposition to the spreading of the Word (Truth) be defeated then therefore rooted in fellow men and woman.
Comment: Matthew Henry's Commentary, "He (Paul) was more solicitous that God's name might be sanctified, His (God) kingdom advanced, and His (God) will done."

Duty: For us to pray for our pastors (daily), for one-another (always) and for all good and faithful ministers (always).

II Thessalonians 3: 6-14 (NIV) (Warning Against Idleness)

Take Away: We have been called to reach and teach Bible studies, so don't take a seat in the stands (no time for idleness) and watch...get on the field and stir up the Holy Spirit inside you and teach a Bible study. You read the effect of idleness...
Comment: Matthew Henry's Commentary "If we are idle, the devil and a corrupt heart will soon find us something to do. The mind of the man is a busy thing; if it be not employed in doing good, it will be doing evil."

Duty: To share the Word of God with all saved and unsaved.

Eric Mock