
Galatians 5

"Easier Said Than Done"

Verse thirteen says, "You my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. (NIV)"

Each of us have been called to press toward the mark, running the race with all of our might and as men we have a base nature to want to compete against each other. But this is a race that we have to run together, united in love.  We have been charged to war against that carnal nature that only serves to drag us down.

When I came into the church, I found myself overwhelmed by the fact that I had a new family to love and care for me and brothers in Christ to be my buddies. I am so thankful for each of you and look forward to a life time of building memories.  As I saw the potential
for sincere friendship, not as the world gives, I determined in myself not to ever be the "yeast" that leavens the whole lump but to be an encourager to each one of you. If you are aspiring to serve the Lord, then I am your biggest fan and I want to do everything I can to ensure your success in the kingdom.

The world wants us to embrace the "dog eat dog" attitude and tear each other down, because if we eliminate each other, then the enemy will have no problem getting our wives and children. Verse 1 tells us to, "stand firm" on the freedom that we have in Christ, so let's resolve to stop the infantile mentality that only serves to destroy and produce the fruit of the Spirit that leads to life everlasting.

We are the sons of God, priests of a royal bloodline that are led by the Spirit and no longer under the law.

Robert MacPhee Jr