
1 Corinthians 2

In verses 1-4 Paul is stating that when he came to Corinth, he did not speak eloquently or with wise and persuasive words even though he could have. Rather he chose to let the Spirit manifest Itself in his words. The rest of the verses talks about us speaking of a message of wisdom that only the believers can understand and not the world.

Paul states that if we have the Spirit of God living in us that we understand what God has given us and we speak in words taught by the Spirit and not of words taught by human wisdom. Those that do not have the Spirit living in them can not understand the things that come from the Spirit of God and seems foolish to him.

Could it be that these verses are telling me that people would be more willing to listen to me if they can see that it is not my words but Christ giving me what to say? Do I try to sound more spiritual when the Spirit is asking me to speak when maybe I just need to say what the Spirit is telling me to say?

I must remember that people are not impressed with how spiritual I sound if my life does not back it up. I must let the Spirit manifest Itself in my life and do the talking for me.
