
2 Corinthians 1

par-take :  to take part in or experience something along with others , to have a portion , to possess or share a certain nature or attribute.

Pastors, ministers or whatever title you wish to bestow on the man of God that is your spiritual shepherd, are called to stand between your soul and the world. These humble servants move with purpose among the sheep, peering into hearts and minds, providing the balm of anointed words to wounds, ever ready to lay down their lives for the flock.

By the will of God they have been called, along with all the saints, to willingly allow the sufferings and afflictions of Christ to flow into their lives, so that the peace, comfort and joy of God, can overflow in the lives of those they minister to. We all want the beauty of God's mercy and grace that we find at an altar of repentance but are we willing to embrace the ugliness and agony of the cross?  There is nothing beyond Christ crucified.

Count it all joy that you partake in Christ and His suffering, His divine nature, the Holy Ghost, His holiness, His grace, His promise and His inheritance.

John 16:33 -  Jesus said, " I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart !  I have overcome the world."

Robert MacPhee Jr