
2 Peter 1

The Race to Eternity... One step at a time!

My heart is so encouraged as I read this treasure map of sorts… ultimately leading to a chest full of vast riches. Verse 4 tells us that the riches include a new and Divine nature. To be like Jesus!

Some may say, well, how do I get started on this quest of TRUE christianity? How do I reach this Nature that is so Divine and so unlike my human nature?…our first step is FAITH!

Heb 11:1 – Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT seen.

It all starts with faith. We are told add to our faith Virtue(moral excellence)

With Virtue we are to seek Knowledge.(study)

With Knowledge we are to add Temperance(self-control)

With temperance we are to ask for Patience

With Patience we need to strive towards Godliness

With Godliness we then need display Brotherly Kindness

and With Brotherly Kindness comes Charity.

The journey starts out dealing within ourselves. As we progress the inward manifests itself on the outside and has no choice but to influence those around us. If we will let God work on us on the inside, His spirit will fill us and the effects will be like a cup that can not hold all the treasure poured into it. The riches begin to over flow to the people around us in our sphere of influence. Those who are looking to us for Direction.

Wow! Thats a lot of ground to cover. You might be saying " I am not even close to my treasure," but I would then tell you to read again the beginning of verse 4 where it says the words "exceeding great and precious promises." We were promised this treasure! God never said how long it would take or if one person may get to their treasure before another. He never said that it would be easy or that it might be hard. On this journey,we were never told that it would come overnight... but we were given a Promise!

Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

This race is not to the swift but to he who endures to the end! God, let us be REAL Men who have not lost sight of our goal. Let us remember what the finish line looks like in our minds. Let us Not forget that we have been called out of darkness and into his marvelous light! We have a goal. We have a prize. Let's continue on this journey One step at a time!

Chase Potter