
Hosea 4

After establishing the ground work of what God did in his personal life, Hosea now turns his prophecy to Israel (during the divided kingdom)   How beautiful that twice in this chapter of God's judgment He still calls Israel "My people."  The priests and prophets were leading the nation in sin.  The men who should have been the Watchmen on the Wall or the Prophet in the Pulpit were foxes in the desert.  The very sin with which Gomer tore out Hosea's heart was practiced in their churches and God was not well pleased.


When the prophet warned "they shall be no priest to me" he was foretelling an impending judgment of Israel as well as foreshadowing the inclusion of the Gentiles.  The pattern was established.  When God's chosen people ignore His plan and the priests profane the Word the people are "destroyed for lack of knowledge."


Notice that God said He wouldn't punish their harlot daughters and adulterous wives since the people who do not understand will fall (v 14).


It reminds me of Lot, who though he was "vexed daily" with the wickedness of Sodom & Gomorrah (1 Peter 2:8), he remained in the city.  Refusing to leave, Lot paved the way for his wife to face the judgment of God (Luke 17:32) and his daughters to burn for iniquity (Gen 19:32).


There are many men in this world who would worship idols they make with the wood from their own sheds (v 12).  They would cover them with gold not realizing the irony that they must nail it down lest it falls over (Jeremiah 10:4).  But "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord (Josh 24:15)" and "This book of life shall not depart out of my mouth (Josh 1:8)"


Men of Euless Bro McLaughlin is a Prophet in the Pulpit proclaiming the Word of the Lord.  We must be the head of our household.  Our families will follow us if we will be good priests of our homes and follow the Godly leadership in our lives as they follow Christ.


Jason Ouellette